Its ok for you , you don't pay

July 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Surprising how many people think this sentence seems funny, After hearing it yet again I thought I would let you know how much goes into turning up week after week sometimes twice a week. Lets begin with a few facts you might not have thought about.  The ever increasing cost public indemnity insurance £126.00 per season. Not forgetting the cost of equipment which will work in extreme cold and wet weather, Its not always sunny in the middle of December. Cost of two decent camera bodies, lenses and flash guns, which is approximately £7000 also the constant wear and tear. Lets not forget travel expenses to away games and the fact I have to arrive early.

While we're talking about time, as much as I'd love to spend the pre-match in the club bar drinking, going for a pee halfway through the first half stops this. Time after the game is spent down loading images going through them cropping and sending to various parties who need the pictures by a certain time on a Saturday night, then uploading them to my website which is yet another cost to me. Then dealing with players who request pictures which are provided free of charge,(Which I am happy to do) this can take up to three hours after the game. Mid week away games I might not get to bed until 1:00 am in the morning and still have to attend my full-time job, as earnings at this level of football are non-existent. The Herts ad and St Albans Review both expect images for free. The constant request for yet more free images during the week, takes both time and energy. 

Lets discuss  Mid winter when frozen to one spot without cover listening to the same shit that one or two of the home supporters continually shout. If I never hear defend defend defend again it be to fooking soon.(what does he think the players are trying to do)I do wonder if they are actually watching the same match as I am, on saying this due to the fact I miss half of the goals whilst focusing on the player who is midst of the action and about to shoot its impossible to actually watch and enjoy the game!!

So next time you say to me it's ok for you, you get in for free don't be surprised if I turn round and kick you in the bolicks!!!!!


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